Baby Acne - Why My Baby

Rabu, Agustus 20, 2008 0 Comments »

Baby acne is a very common condition with newborns. This can begin when a baby is as little as a few weeks old. Baby acne appears more in baby boys than in baby girls. And acne in teenage boys is more severe than with teenage girls. And later in adulthood, women are affected more by acne than men. This has alot to do with the hormonal changes we all go through within our bodies. But dont get alarmed. Your babys acne will usually clear up within several weeks.

Baby acne is caused by hormones that are passed on to the baby through the placenta before birth. Then after the delivery of your baby, these hormones are passed through to the babys skin. Now since the acne does look like red pimples, it is actually small whiteheads that are surrounded by redness and inflamed skin. This acne presents itself on a babys cheeks, chin, the back and the forehead. What causes the babys acne is when the follicles are block and sebum which is a oil gland gets block and then bacteria begins to grow. What you also need to be aware of, if your baby gets irritable or agitated, the acne may become a little more severe.

When taking care of your baby, be careful and:

Dont use petroleum oil or mineral oil. This can make the situation worse.
Not good for you the mother, to be taking any medications while you are nursing.
If your baby is taken any medicines, you need to check for any allergic reactions.
Always use a mild soap or plain water when you bathe your baby.
Cleanse the face once a day with water. And dont use any ointments or creams.
No acne medications used by you or for your baby.
You can wash your little one every 2-3 days with very mild soap or just plain water. Especially keep the neck area very clean.
Do not use any harsh detergents when washing clothes.
Beware of any formulas containing soy milk. Soy milk has been shown to have high level hormone materials which are not good for a baby to drink when a baby is experiencing any form of acne. It can agitate the acne even more.
And if you are heading into the winters cold months, use light moisturizers and/or un-scented lotions for you and your baby.

Baby acne is a temporary condition and your baby will outgrow this in a few months. Now if your babys acne does not clear up after 6 months, then you should check with your pediatrician for advice and treatment.

Another thing to beware of. If your baby has a rash anywhere else on their body and its rashly, red or scaly, then your baby may have another condition called cradle cap or eczema. If you think that your baby has something more than baby acne, consult with your pediatrician. Dont get alarmed. Help is always available.

There are two other forms of baby acne that you should know about.

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